Welcome QVSD Citizens!

Citizens for A Great School (CGS) was launched in 2019. It is a non-profit, non-partisan, community supported organization.  Every member of our organization works on a pro bono basis. Many Quaker Valley School District (QVSD) residents have donated to support the legal, engineering studies, and public relations efforts of CGS.  

Our concern is that the Quaker Valley School Board is moving forward to build a new High School on the proposed Hilltop site.  Additionally, we question the high cost of education in our school district, the amount of current and planned future debt, the questionable location of the proposed high school, long-term property tax implications, significant environmental impact, the School Board’s lack of transparency, and the Board’s refusal to allow a referendum to approve this plan.

The Cost

The current debt load of Quaker Valley School District (QVSD) is $145 million dollars. Find this number shocking? Wait until you see how our spending lines up with other schools.

Read more about QVSD’s debt burden.


The Tipping Point

Over the last 5 years, QVSD’s property taxes have increased 12% - but that’s not the worst part. Their new plan includes a 15.65% tax increase, every year, for the next 30 years.

Read more about how this debt affects your taxes.

Worth the Risk?

The plans for the proposed high school include a site deemed dangerous by geotechnical engineers. Steep slopes, a need for blasting bedrock and Pittsburgh red beds are the recipe for a dangerous and costly landslide.

Read more about QVSD’s costly risks.


Investment in a Real Future

While our school district is great, we are not #1. Instead of wasting money on expensive buildings that still won’t get the job done, we should be investing in our teachers and our curriculum.

Read more about how we can invest in a real future.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.

Email: Citizensforagreatschool@gmail.com